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Empower your
Talents, Passions and Purpose in the New Economy



Pessoas durante a oficina


We guide professionals, companies, students and retirees to discover and develop their Talents, Gifts, Skills and Passions in line with their Values, Dreams and Purpose so that they can be prosperous, happy, brilliant and fulfilled.

Through tests, books, courses, consulting, lectures, training and mentoring. We have a specialized team committed to providing an excellent service!






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With my team, we are here to support you as you enter the Age of Talents - of Prosperity, Happiness, Wisdom and Freedom - where WORK serves to:

- Overcome, motivate, inspire and express your essence, your true Self. Contribute to the world and receive in return the resources and healthy recognition you deserve!

- Doing what you love, loving what you do, and having fun. Be part of a united community!

- Learn, develop, innovate, experiment and teach!

- Shine and fulfill your Mission, Purpose and Dream. Honor your Values and Principles. Leave your legacy.

Come with us to transform the reality of work in this world in crisis. It's the opportunity we've been waiting for to reinvent ourselves together and create the future!

MTOL assessment

Passion and Talents ® Method

MTOL® is a software where you can answer different behavioral profile tests online.


Thousands of people have already obtained the benefits of MTOL. It has 98% assertiveness.

It is based on over 20 of the world's best assessments, including: DISC, MBTI, LIFO, 4 elemental archetypes of nature, Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, Enneagram, Strengths Finder Gallup, Positive Psychology by Martin Seligman, Ancestral Evolutionary Paths by Condor Blanco , Management by Skills etc.

It supports professionals, companies, retirees and students to learn about and develop their strengths and neutralize their limitations.

Useful in: career management, self-awareness, team leadership, coaching, therapy, mentoring, consulting, education, retirement, people selection, succession, etc.

Tests for different profiles: Professional, Leadership, Communication, Negotiation, Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Teamwork, Values etc.

Depending on the type of test you may receive feedback from those who know you.

It is unique in differentiating and comparing innate talents and acquired competences.

Empresário sorrindo

Self-knowledge, Career Management, Life Purpose, Reinvention, Entrepreneurship.


Espaço de Coworking

Engagement and Development of Leaders and Teams, Selection of People, Purpose and Organizational Innovation.



Transition Plan, Post-Retirement Career Management, Entrepreneurship, Become a Mentor.

Jardinagem Juntos

Self-knowledge, Professional Guidance, Study Performance, Future Planning.


Student Street Notes
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Mentor e Criador do Método Passion and Talents


Mauro Press Maksuri já orientou mais de 10 mil pessoas durante seus 30 anos de experiência como médico, psicoterapeuta holístico, coach, escritor, palestrante, professor e mentor. Fez turnês por mais de 50 cidades e 10 países.

É graduado em Medicina, tem pós-graduação em Homeopatia e extensão em Psicologia Junguiana. Professor de pós-graduação de Psicologia Transpessoal do Instituto Atitude.

Criador do método Passion and Talents ® e do software de Assessment MTOL®, fundador da Talt Coaching Treinamentos, Consultor, Master Coach membro da Associação Internacional de Coaches Profissionais (AICP), Palestrante, Instrutor da Organização Internacional Condor Blanco nas Escolas de Coaching Express e Liderança, Especialista em Gestão de Talentos, Empreendedorismo, Gestão de Carreira, Gestão por Competências, Oratória e Inteligência Emocional.


Autor do livro “A Era dos Talentos” e coautor dos livros “Coaching, um estilo de vida” e "Cultura Inovadora Humanizada na Prática".



It's an extraordinary book, to awaken the extraordinary talent in you, your family, friends, staff, customers, and around the world.

If we all awaken our gifts and talents and work together to create a better world for everyone, we will finally be creating the Age of Talents.

Want to read a sample? Click here.

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